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W100 R omnimix
Multi-purpose levelling mortar for walls, fast-hardening, mechanical application.
90W LIGHT omnimix
Lightweight levelling mortar for mechanical application on walls.
Quick-drying primer.

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What different types of glue are there?

There are 3 types of glue, each with their own characteristic properties. They are all standardized within the European standard EN 12004. 

  • Cement-based powder tile adhesive (C) 
  • Dispersion glue (D) 
  • Reaction glue (R) 
The specific properties of a product say nothing about what you can do with it. Each manufacturer determines this individually in the technical data sheet. So always follow the regulations via our advice module. 
Read more about the different types of tile adhesive on the next page.

How much glue can I apply to the surface at once?

This is the open time. That is the time you have to place the tile in the adhesive bed once you have applied the adhesive to the substrate. For fast-setting adhesives this is 10 minutes, for standard adhesives this is approximately 20 minutes, for adhesives with an extended open time this is approximately 30 minutes. Temperature and porosity of the subsurface also play a role here. If in doubt, you can feel it with your finger. If you feel that the glue already has a film layer, the open time has been exceeded.

Which glue comb is best to use?

The choice of the right teeth depends on a number of factors; 

  •  the type of tile adhesive (paste or powder), 
  • the 'buttering-floating' method is used, and 
  • the application (wall or floor), 
  • the flatness of the substrate and the flatness of the tile. 
Tip: By regularly removing a tile from the adhesive bed, you can see what the adhesive contact surface looks like and whether this is sufficient. 
For large format tiles >60x60 cm. It is in any case important that the surface is flat. If you need to eliminate large level differences in the surface, you can first level the surface, or you can use a thick-bed mortar with a round-toothed adhesive comb. 
Read some guidelines regarding glue combs on the next page.

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