DB TRAS omnicem
Bedding mortars
For laying floor tiles in the conventional way, by applying thicker layers on surfaces that are not subject to heavy use. Especially suitable for natural stone. This trass cement-based mortar creates a seal against efflorescence and prevents it from appearing on the natural stone surface. DB TRAS omnicem is especially suitable for indoor use. If WD+ omnibind is added to the mixing water, the product is also suitable for use on outdoor floors, if a different composition is used. The minimum layer thickness is 10 mm. For slightly coloured and/or natural stone joints that are sensitive to staining, use DB TRAS omnicem. Caution: Do not use DB TRAS omnicem as a powder tile adhesive.

Getting started with DB TRAS omnicem
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Let us help you out
Which glue comb is best to use?
The choice of the right teeth depends on a number of factors;
- the type of tile adhesive (paste or powder),
- the 'buttering-floating' method is used, and
- the application (wall or floor),
- the flatness of the substrate and the flatness of the tile.
How long does the mixed glue last in the tub?
This is the pot life, which is usually between 2 and 4 hours. Attention! With fast-hardening adhesives this is only 20-30 minutes.
When can I walk on the tiles?
This can be done (carefully) after at least 24 hours. With fast-setting adhesives, this can be done after just a few hours.