Bouwunie is there for SMEs and independent entrepreneurs in the construction sector. Bouwunie defends the interests of its more than 8,000 members, organizes training and networking activities. Bouwunie has the knowledge and experience to quickly provide them with the right information. Tailored and clearly expressed.

The Association of Tiling Contractors (BOVATIN) is an organization that has been advocating for the technical, societal, and economic interests of its members since its establishment in 1950. Members can seek advice and support on legal, technical, and business matters from the association.

Buildwise, formerly known as WTCB, was founded in 1959 by the construction sector. Buildwise's mission is to support construction professionals in improving quality, productivity, and sustainability, and to pave the way for innovation on construction sites and in construction companies.

The Trade Association for Project Furnishing BVP is the Dutch industry organization for project furnishing and project upholstery. They focus on increasing product quality throughout the project furnishing industry. Within the Trade Association for Project Furnishing, project furnishers, project upholsterers, as well as suppliers and manufacturers of hard and soft flooring, adhesives, window coverings, and other relevant product groups are represented.

The European Mortar Industry Organisation (EMO) is an association that emerged from an initiative of European mortar manufacturers. The aim was and is a coordinated and positive representation of the interests of the European mortar and external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) industry vis-à-vis the technical committees and bodies of the EU and in the preparation of European technical legislation.

ETIM enables products to be classified in a standardized way. This improves the quality, reliability, timeliness, and transparency of product data throughout the construction chain. Manufacturers, wholesalers, installers, and construction companies use the ETIM standard to classify products and capture technical characteristics.

Fema - Feproma
Feproma is a non-profit organization that unites all major Belgian producers. Respectively established in 1936 and 1996, they join forces as a dynamic dual federation of producers and traders in building materials, with the customer at the center.
Feproma aims to work closely with FeMa in order to promote the harmonious distribution of building materials and, in particular, to create a link between the building materials traders affiliated with FeMa and the building materials producers.
Feproma building materials comply with the legal standards and regulations imposed by both Belgian and European authorities for new construction and renovation projects.
Fecamo, founded in 1946, is a professional organization recognized as such by the High Council of the Federal Economy. Fecamo has more than 600 members active in the tile, mosaic, screed, and industrial flooring sector. Its aim is to promote the activities of entrepreneurs, distributors, and manufacturers active in this sector and to strengthen the position of these companies through the exchange of experiences, knowledge development, services, and representation of their interests.

Femo was founded in 1992 and brings together Belgian and Luxembourgish producers of industrial cement-based mortars. The Federation aims to promote the quality and innovation of its members' products and to provide the necessary information to users.
Koninklijke HIBIN
Hibin represents the interests of affiliated members - building materials wholesalers and manufacturers - in a number of different areas. With customised services, Hibin meets the needs of both corporate groups and SMEs, purchasing associations, specialists and broad package shops. Hibin represents the interests of affiliated members in a number of different areas.

The Royal Dutch Association for Building Ceramics (KNB) represents the collective interests of the Dutch ceramic industry. The sector includes both national and international companies, some of which are publicly traded, that convert the raw material clay into a ceramic product through an industrial process, often intended for use in construction.

MADE Center is the institute for deepening knowledge about the application of masonry products. MADE is an independent knowledge center for masonry. A virtual meeting place that features an extensive library.

The EMICODE® classification system enables consumers and professionals to compare and evaluate the emission characteristics of floor installations and construction products. At the same time, it can be considered a stimulus to further improve these products. Meanwhile, this trademarked classification system has become one of the most important quality references for a wide range of product groups, both nationally and internationally.
They unite the building materials industry
The umbrella organization that advocates for the interests of trade associations and their constituents.
The Dutch Association of Suppliers of Building Materials Industry (NVTB) is an advocate for trade associations within the building materials industry. They have been active as an umbrella organization since 1988. Their mission: to represent and promote the common interests of our members and their supporters.

SKG-IKOB has become the Dutch certification institution for the construction and real estate sector. They are an innovative, leading player in the market with healthy ambitions.

Stichting Stapelbouw
Stichting Stapelbouw is the network for knowledge development and research in the field of masonry constructions for use in facades and as load-bearing structures. In Stichting Stapelbouw, all sectors that contribute to the quality of masonry constructions and masonry structures are united: the Royal Dutch Association for Building Ceramics (KNB), the Dutch Calcium Silicate Brick Platform Association (VNK), Concrete House Sector Bricks and Blocks (BB&S), and the Dutch Mortar Organization (NeMO).

TNO is an independent not-for-profit research organization composed of units, councils, and a services organization. A safer, healthier, and more sustainable life. That is what we strive for. As an independent research organization, we are the catalyst for innovation. We make knowledge serve the public good.

The Dutch Association of Finishing Contractors is the trade association for entrepreneurs in plastering, flooring, terrazzo, stone processing, block setting, ceiling and wall installation, or general finishing companies. NOA is a modern employers' and trade association.
As a trade association (not-for-profit), VNK represents the interests of the sand-lime brick industry and its suppliers. The industry consists of respected internationally operating companies and has been active since 1906.
Due to the increasing importance of casting screeds, the involved parties united in 2006 to form the Association for Cast Screeds. This advocacy group is dedicated to informing and inspiring the construction industry about casting floors. Our membership consists of a wide range of experts in various fields, from producers to finishers and everything in between.